A million apologies for not Blogging as often as you have come to expect. As soon as I got caught up with "work work" I received three more proposals so much of my spare time has been dedicated to Bank stuff. Friday night we attended the Parkway West vs Webster Groves football game in
support of Peyton's favorite cheerleader, Bianca. Taylor saw beyond the cheers to the field but Peyton was
mesmerized by each cheer and wanted to get high fives as often as possible.

Just like her mother, Peyton's favorite part of high school football is trips to the concession stand.
Potsou informed us that the boys entered a
Bakugan tournament at Toys R Us so we went to check it out. Not being very interested in
Bakugan, the girls decided to rearrange chair displays and sit in a few comfy chairs while awaiting the end of the
Bakugan Battles.

Here is Peyton with the CHAMPION. Yes,
Goosey won the tournament.

Congratulations Goose!

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