She was half asleep but knew exactly what Daddy half-wrapped. . .

She was very considered about her image.....as soon as we got outside she said "Mommy, I have a Dora bike but an ELMO helmet". . .I hinted that she MIGHT be getting Dora accessories at her party tonight which calmed her immensely. With her first full pedal she exclaimed "Oh Mommy, this is like a dream come true!"

Nap time was strictly for Taylor today. Peyton was way too anxious for her party. . .so she played quietly in her room for a couple hours, eagerly awaiting party time. The party began at 6p.m. so we got there at 5:30 to meet with our helper. Peyton entered Chuck E. Cheese like a 3 year old READY TO PARTY!

Dancing was one of her favorite parts of the event:
Dinner was served once parents corralled all the kids:

Taylor inspected the centerpiece:

The cake was white with buttercream frosting and Disney princess decoration:

Brendan blinked but Peyton managed to blow out the final candle with one final huff and puff:


Aunt Tina supplied the SUGARY cotton candy for babies of all ages:

Following bath time, Peyton decided to sleep with her new Cinderella:

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