After a six week absence due to the Disney Trip, a brief virus, and Christmas break, Peyton returned to school today. Training pull-ups and all! For the first time she got to use the "little potty" at school. Needless to say, her potty training is coming right along.
While Peyton was in school Taylor got to enjoy the mild weather while swinging in our backyard. At 10a.m. Mommy did a conference call during her
naptime. As soon as she woke up we went to Laurie's at the Mall and bought her some new shoes. She is in a 6M and is very proud of her new white tennis shoes. Check out these struts: (oh and I promise
Kia will fix the fact that these are I am computer-challenged)
In case you got a headache looking sideways, here is a still shot of the gal in her new shoes:

Peyton feels like a woman of the world now that she is back in school. Tonight she insisted on helping me prepare some side dishes: