Saturday, July 12, 2008

Miss Stella

This morning the girls attended their first (of three) Saturday morning swim lesson at our city pool. Although Taylor was quite reluctant to get in the water, Peyton was quite the swimmer. Not only did she kick, paddle, and blow bubbles, she even asked the instructor if she could go off the diving board. Moments later, Peyton jumped off the board three times in row. She had special requests that Mommy go off the board and Miss Lindsay (the instructor) too. It was quite a show.

At 11a.m. we arrived at Miss Stella's for a luncheon and pool playdate. Miss Panther brought lunch and we brought the infamous cookies. Taylor and Zach sat peacefully as they ate their lunch:

Jack and Peyton got to sit at their very own kids table:

The Spiderman cookie was devoured but left a bit of a mess on Jack's cute face:

Taylor loved climbing on all the guy's outdoor play equipment:

Miss Stella helped Clark select a cookie:

Taylor discovered how much fun ride-on trains can be as she sat aside Jack on her very own engine:

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