Monday, April 7, 2008

KU defeats Memphis & Kelly lost a few bets

Okay it only made it up to 65 degrees today but due to the fact that the sun was shining bright and we had no wind, it felt more like 75 degrees. Our deck seemed hot enough with the sun beating down that Peyton asked if she could wear her bathing suit. The rest can be "told" in these next 4 pics:, she never was bold enough to get her suit or hair wet. The water was chilly despite my attempts to warm it up by adding 3 boiling hot buckets of water.

Uncle Bob joined us for dinner and the Final Four Championship game. In honor of Potsou, he brought a big cookie cake:

Taylor thoroughly enjoyed her meal, especially the chocolate icing on the cookie cake :-)

Brendan sat proudly with Nicholas while they ate hotdogs and talked baseball.

Peyton and Patrick spent some time working with sand:

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